Michael J. Fox Jammed Out To Johnny B. Goode With Coldplay At MetLife Stadium Last Night

Shit, did I just become a Coldplay fan? I mean I’ve never really liked any of their music and watching them get completely shown up by Bruno Mars and Beyonce during the Super Bowl halftime show was as brutal as it was hilarious. But any band that can put Marty McFly back on stage playing Marvin Chuck Berry’s greatest hit all while giving Parkinson’s Disease a big ol’ fuck you is A-OK with me. Sure he didn’t shred that guitar at the end of the song like he did back in 1985, but I’ll chalk that up to the aches and pains that we all feel with age age. For one night we got to see the youngest kid of George and Lorraine McFly back in his element thanks to Coldplay. And I thank them from the bottom of my soul for that.

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